Cost Effective
Website Updates

  • Website Updates
  • Website Fixes
  • SEO
  • Online Visibility
  • Google Analytics

What We Offer

We specialise in fixing and updating websites for small and medium-sized businesses.

Saving businesses money by offering affordable monthly subscriptions.

Our Customers

Take a look at the other businesses that we work with.

Website Updates

Keeping your website’s content up to date is essential to ensure:


  • accurate information
  • maintain user trust
  • improve search engine rankings
  • positive user experience

Website Fixes

Ensuring that every aspect of your website works for a customer to use and navigate includes fixing: 


  • buttons and links
  • mobile friendly optimisation
  • user journey & layout
  • contact forms


Updating your website’s content and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is crucial for:


  • online visibility
  • search page rankings
  • user experience
  • brand credibility

Google Analytics

Have the ability to track website usage and make sure that your website is being seen and indexed correctly by Google.


  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Set Up
  • Google Search Console
  • Sitemap
  • Robots.txt



Single monthly update:

  • one piece of text
  • one new image
  • one page’s meta
  • update internal link
  • information & advice


40 mins of monthly updates:

  • multiple content updates
  • change opening times
  • add special offers
  • plugin updates
  • add new pages


In-depth website updates:

  • everything in Fix
  • SEO updates
  • meta updates
  • desktop layout optimisation
  • mobile friendly optimisation

Get in Touch

We would love to answer your questions.

Send us a message.